Civil Circuit Mediation

Civil circuit mediation in Florida brings a neutral third party to help the parties involved in a lawsuit reach a compromise before proceeding to a trial. Because the mediator is neutral and not affiliated with a specific party, they can often help facilitate an equitable agreement without the time and expense of a trial.
Court cases can be very costly, and you may feel like you are not being heard regarding your case. With the help of a mediator, you can rest assured that your case is being handled professionally and improves the odds of reaching an equitable solution to the issue. A mediator will help both parties avoid litigation and reach a fair solution in civil matters.
Benefits of A Mediator On A Civil Circuit Case
Improved communication
The mediator has the knowledge and skills to identify legal issues
They assist in clarifying facts
They work towards creating a resolution that is mutually acceptable by both parties
Less stress
Less costly than a court case

The mediator will facilitate the process, but it is left up to the parties to agree upon the resolution. There are many benefits to mediation. The mediator is court-approved, meaning that any resolution reached during mediation will be presented to the court and held as binding on all parties. Pro se litigants (without legal counsel) often benefit from mediation because it is less formal and does not require that you learn the rules of civil procedure required by a civil court.
Mediators are Typically lawyers experienced in Florida laws and have an expansive knowledge of the court system. Mediation is a cost-effective solution that can help all involved parties save significantly on attorneys fees and court costs associated with proceeding to trial. Further, the court process can be slow, and mediation can help resolve civil matters in a more expedient manner.
​These benefits will help you move your case along with confidence and obtain a better understanding of the civil process. Civil disputes can be stressful, and mediation provides a less formal means to achieve a fair and equitable solution.
Steps Involved In Mediating
Stating the problem
Gathering information
Identifying the problem

The main goal of any civil court case is to speak respectfully with the opposing party and reach a suitable and fair agreement. A mediator can help all parties involved speak openly, present the facts with precision, and make a fair deal. They will help ensure that the case stays on point and that matters are handled professionally. A mediator also has the education and training to know what types of resolutions will stand up to court scrutiny and can help facilitate agreements on a wide variety of legal issues.

Civil Court Cases That May Need The Assistance of A Mediator
Real estate disputes such as landlord disputes, escrow disputes, and construction-related issues
Breach of contract
Defamation of character
Family law issues
Employment disputes
Personal Injury
These are but a few examples of where mediation might be a good option instead of taking a civil court case to trial. Your attorney may recommend mediation, and you can have an attorney present at mediation if you so desire. Mediation is often a good solution for those who cannot afford an attorney as well.
It is crucial that you do your due diligence when you are seeking the help of a mediator. Make sure that you look at their track record, their experience, and knowledge in civil circuit cases and that they are willing to listen to you regarding your case. Civil circuit mediators in Florida should be certified by the Florida Supreme Court.
It is pertinent that you speak openly and honestly with the person meditating your case, but keep it simple and stick to the point. You will find that your case runs a lot more smoothly if you do not allow your emotions to run wild. Keep in mind that you are working to resolve a problem, and doing so will require time and patience. Remain patient and remember that legal matters can take time to resolve, even in mediation.
Those who have the most success in mediation are those willing to stay open to options and recognize that you may have to compromise to settle disputes without the expense, hassle, and time of a civil court proceeding.
Just remember to make sure that you keep an open mind, control your emotions, work through your anger in a healthy manner, and listen to the advice of the mediator working on your case. Maintaining an open mind can easily be the factor that decides if you reach a satisfactory resolution, which is the end goal of each mediation.