Divorce and Family Law Mediation
Mediation is a powerful tool to settle disputes in Florida. When disagreements can be settled in mediation without the need for further legal action, everyone involved saves time and money. In mediation, the goal is to find solutions that work for both parties and resolve the areas of concern.
Pro se litigants (representing oneself or without Attorneys involve) in family and civil suits often find it overwhelming to keep track of the procedural rules and regulations when tackling the court system. As the economy continues to squeeze individuals and families, the number of people who want to avoid the expense of hiring an attorney is on the rise.
Elder Law Mediation
When siblings or other family members cannot agree on specific aspects of care regarding their elderly parent or grandparent, a mediator can help the family put their differences aside and focus on more critical aspects of providing care for a family member. Elder law mediation can help preserve family relationships while respecting the wishes and best interest of the elderly.
It is essential to make sure you are working with a qualified mediator who is familiar with the state laws regarding senior care. Do not choose a mediator based upon cost, but rather, choose an individual who has a proven track record in resolving disputes.

Civil Circuit Mediation
Civil cases are the cases in which private citizens (or companies) sue each other in court. General civil cases, usually involving suing someone for money in disputes over things like contracts, damage to property, or someone getting hurt.
Civil circuit mediation in Florida brings a neutral third party to help the parties involved in a lawsuit reach a compromise before proceeding to a trial. Because the mediator is neutral and not affiliated with a specific party, they can often help facilitate an equitable agreement without the time and expense of a trial.